List of Standard Operating Procedures for Pharmacists
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Our SOPs are mainly supplied on a USB of 10 or so SOPs, but they are also available as single SOPs at £14.63+vat.
Download a Product Request Form or ring us to order.
000 Overarching SOP for SOPs
001 Prescription Reception
002 Pharmaceutical Assessment
003 Intervention and Problem Solving
004 Label Production
005 Assembly of Rx
006 Accuracy Checking
007 Transfer of Rx to Patient in the Shop
008 Prescription Owings
009 Repeat Dispensing
010 Prescription Collection Services
011 Disposal of Unwanted Medicines
012 Supplying Medicines in a Compliance Aid
013 Assessing Eligibility for Supply in a Compliance Aid
014 Dispensing Private Rx
015 Dispensing Controlled Drugs
016 Sale of OTC Medicines by Counter Staff
017 Sale of OTC involving the Pharmacist
018 Methadone Dispensing
019 Medicines Use Review
020 Emergency Supply
021 Extemporaneous Dispensing
022 Obtaining Specials
023 Chronic Conditions Advice
024 Assessing Clinical Significance
025 MDS in Nursing Homes
026 Dealing with Other Healthcare Professionals
027 Stock Control
028 Stock Ordering
029 Stock Receipt and Integrity Checking
030 Complaints Procedures
031 Confidentiality
032 Near Miss Incident Recording
033 Dispensing Error Recording and Reporting
034 Minor Ailments Scheme (Enhanced)
035 Health and Safety of the Public
036 Health and Safety for the Staff
037 Sale of Emergency Hormonal Contraceptives
038 Blood Pressure Monitoring
039 Self Care Advice for Diabetics
040 Self Care Advice Around Smoking
041 Prescription Counting
042 Prescription Filling
043 Sending Prescriptions to the PPA
044 Syringe Exchange (Enhanced)
045 Observed Consumption (Enhanced)
046 Pregnancy Testing
047 Root Cause Analysis
048 Self Care Advice for Those Who Are Overweight
049 Self Care Advice for Those With Hypertension
050 Signposting
051 Monitoring Owings (Audit)
052 Drug Alerts and Recalls
053 Staff Training
054 Induction for New Staff
055 Induction for New Pharmacists
056 Dealing With Fire
057 Cleaning the Premises
058 Opening the Pharmacy
059 End of Day / Closing the Pharmacy
060 Refrigerator Maintenance
061 Equipment Maintenance
062 Giving Advice for Malaria Prophylaxis
063 Dealing With Violent Customers
064 Smoking Cessation
065 Blood Glucose Testing
066 Running Tally of CDs
067 Clinical Audit
068 Child Protection
069 Preparation of Methadone Mixture
070 Prescription Delivery System
071 Data Protection
072 Promotion of Healthy Lifestyle
073 Running a Patient Satisfaction Survey
074 Delivery of CDs to Patients
075 Receipt, Storage and Destruction of CDs
076 Managing Changes from POM to P
077 Maintaining a Smoke Free Environment
078 Managing an Accuracy Checking Technician
079 Cashing Up at the End of the Day
080 Sending and Receiving Faxes
081 Demonstrating How to Use a Peak Flow Meter
082 Dealing With the Freedom of Information Act 2000
083 Advice on Anticoagulant Therapy
084 Influenza Vaccination Under a PGD
085 Advising on Falls in the Elderly
086 Dealing With a Fall in the Pharmacy
087 Measuring and Fitting a Truss
088 CD Requisitions
089 Supply of EHC Under a Patient Group Direction
090 Supplying Methotrexate
091 Cholesterol Measurement
092 Measuring and Fitting Surgical Hosiery
093 Electronic Transfer of Prescriptions (Phase 1)
SOP 10
094 Appliance Dispensing
095 Procedures When the Pharmacist is Absent
096 Chlamydia Testing
097 Procedures When the CD Key is Missing
098 Procedures When a CD Rx is Missing
099 Needle Stick Injury
100 Continuity Planning
101 The OTC Sale of Clamelle
102 The OTC Sale of Alli
103 Pandemic Planning
SOP 11
104 RP Certificate and Pharmacy Log
105 RP The Responsibilities of a RP
106 RP Handing Over to the Next RP
107 RP Planning After an Incident
108 RP Allowable Absences
109 RP Staff Competencies
110 RP SOP Changes and Audit Trail
111 Handling Computer Failure
112 Disposal of Clinical Waste
113 Vascular Risk Assessment
SOP 12
114 IG Staff and Third Party Confidentiality Clauses
115 IG Mapping Information Flows
116 IG Transfers of Patient Identifiable Information Abroad
117 IG Collecting Patient Consents
118 IG Access Rights to the PMR
119 IG Secure Transfer of Digital Information
120 IG Monitoring Mobile Computer Systems
121 IG Incident Management for Loss of PII
122 IG Creating and Maintaining a Safe Haven
123 Dispensing Methadone by Methameasure
124 IG Safe Use and Storage of Smart Cards
SOP 13
125 H Pylori Testing
126 Handling a CD Incident
127 Dealing With Lithium Patients
128 New Medicine Service NMS
129 Stoma Appliance Customisation SAC
130 Appliance Use Review
131 Dealing With Insulin Therapy
132 Whistleblowing
133 Giving Advice About Alcohol
134 Handling for Paraffin Based Products
SOP 14
135 Healthy Diet Advice
136 Exercise Advice
137 COPD Advice
138 Using the Consulting Room
139 Recording Keyholders (Eire)
140 Discharge Medication Review (Wales)
141 Running EPS2
142 Selling OTC Products Online
143 Supplying Veterinary Medicines
144 Prescribing POM-VPS Medicines
145 Labelling Veterinary Medicines Dispensed
146 Veterinary Medicines Cascade
SOP 15
147 Delivery of prescriptions to a remote Collection Point
148 Using a Chaperone
149 Dealing with Poor Performance under the Contract
150 Prevention of Bribery affecting your practice
151 Credit card Data Security
152 Record Keeping
153 Veterinary Record Keeping
154 Dealing with Anaphylaxis
155 Emergency CPR
156 Understanding the COSHH Regulations
SOP 16
157 Safe Dispensing of Oral Cancer Drugs
158 Understanding the RIDDOR Regulations
159 Bullying
160 Disciplining Staff
161 Dealing with Delayed Rx on the N3 Spine
162 The use of Social Media
163 Destruction of Computers
164 For Refusing a Sale
165 EPS2 Nomination
166 Staff Dismissal
SOP 17
167 Cold Chain supply of Medicines to Patients
168 Vulnerable Adults
169 Performing Off Site MURs
170 Using the Summary Care Records
171 Dispensing of prescriptions from the EEA and Switzerland
172 Selling eCigarettes
173 Accessible Info
174 Inhaler Technique Training
175 Lone Working
176 Compliance with SOPs
177 Asthma referral
178 The Supply of Gluton Free Foods
179 Dealing with Sensitive Subjects
180 Running a PGD
181 Dealing with returned Controlled Drugs
182 Crushing Buprenorphine sub lingual tablets
183 Giving advice about taking drugs while driving
184 Urgent Medicine Supply
185 Motivational Interviewing (MI)
186 Using NHS Choices, and local health reports
187 Good Customer Service
188 Maintaining Data Security
189 Data Protection by Design & Default
190 Data Protection Impact Assessment
191 Cyber Security
192 Preparing a Records Retention Schedule
193 Learning Needs Assessments
194 Rights Under GDPR
195 Data Continuity Planning
196 Data Security
197 Due Dilligence of Suppliers
198 The Falsified Medicines Directive
199 Compliance with the NDOO
200 Setting technical Specifications for NDOO
201 The Vitamin D Rapid Blood Test
202 Supplying Medicines for PAAD
203 Auditing PAAD
204 Risk Assessment in PAAD
205 Record Keeping for PAAD
206 Ensuring Patient Choice in PAAD
207 Accountability of Staff Engaged in PAAD
208 Premises & website standards for PAAD
(Pharmacy At A Distance)
209 Managing medicines safely while providing PAAD (Pharmacy At A Distance)
210 Providing a Serious Shortage Protocol (SSP)
211 Sepsis Awareness
212 Providing Advice for those on Sodium Valproate
213 Continuity of Needle Exchange and Observed Consumption
214 Delivery Services During a Pandemic
215 Delivery Services Utilising Volunteers
216 Procedures for Volunteer Drivers
217 Advice for Patients Using Isotretinoin
218 Assessing the Risks of Covid-19
219 Assessing the Risks of Covid-19 in BAME Individuals
220 Advice on Getting a Covid-19 Test in the UK
221 Influenza Vaccination During a Pandemic
222 Suicide Awareness
223 Red Flag Symptoms
224 Measuring BMI and Waist Circumference
225 Becoming an Antibiotic Guardian
226 General Covid-19 Vaccination
227 Special Instructions for Astra Zeneca Covid-19 Vaccine
228 Special Instructions for Pfizer BioNTech mRNA Vaccine BNT 162b2
229 Patient Advice for Patients Taking Amiodarone
230 Discharge Medication Service (DMS)
231 Administration of the Moderna Covid 19 Vaccine
232 Lateral Flow Testing for Asymptomatic Staff
233 Confirming Patient Identity
234 Bringing your own Devices BYOD
235 Testing your Data Security and Management Plan
236 Referral to NHS 111
237 GPs Referral to Pharmacists via CPCS
238 Lateral Flow Test for Covid 19 Distribution
239 Intranasal Corticosteroids for Allergic Rhinitis
240 PGD Administration of Naltrexone/Bupropion
241 Supply of Fexofenadine for Allergic Rhinitis Under a PGD
242 The Hypertension Case Finding Service
243 Blood Pressure Measurements
244 Encouraging Patients to Return Used Inhalers for Disposal
245 Running a Telephone Inhaler Technique Consultation
246 PQS-2 Anticoagulant Safety Audit
247 Spacer Devices and Asthma Action Plans for Children (5-15)
248 Identifying Patients with New Inhaler & No Technique Advice
249 Running Video Remote Consultations
250 Talking about Weight and Weight Loss
251 Checking inhaler technique using a DPI
252 Checking inhaler technique using a pMDI
253 Checking inhaler technique using a Spacer Inhaler
254 Using an Ambulatory BP Monitor
255 Running a Smoking Cessation Service
256 Running an 'Ask for ANI' (Action Needed Immediately) Scheme
257 Discussing a RTI and Antibiotics
258 Discussing a UTI and Antibiotics
259 Recognising Cancer Symptoms
260 Recruiting Staff
261 Interviewing Staff
262 Delegation
263 Supply of Oral Contraceptives - Tier 1
264 Safe Disposal of Unwanted and Expired Antibiotics
265 Business Continuity Plan for Temporary Suspensions
266 Independent Prescribing Service – Pathfinder Service (Birmingham and Solihull NHS)
267 Lateral Flow Devices Supply to Patient
268 Combatting Fraud
269 Pharmacy First Service
270 Treating Impetigo
271 Treating Uncomplicated Urinary Tract Infection
272 Treating Acute Sore Throat
273 Treating Acute Otitis Media
274 Treating Acute Sinusitis
275 Treating Infected Insect Bites
276 Treating Shingles
277 Remote Allergy & Intolerance Testing
278 Supply of Oral Contraceptives - Tier 2
279 Ear Examination Using an Otoscope
280 Using Microsuction to Remove Excess Wax
281 Ear Piercing
282 Flu Vaccination 2024/25
Buy your SOPs now and don't forget, if you feel that they have not saved you time and money, just send them back for a full refund but please tell us why because we want to make sure we are always providing the gold standard of what our clients want.
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