Website Creation
What do wise, tech savvy pharmacists know that you don’t yet? .....
“This is the Most Cost Effective Way to Get a Presence on the Web!”
......that your clients will expect your business to have a website

You know how important it is these days to have a presence on the web for your clients to check when you are open, what services you do and order their repeat scripts from the comfort of their own home but the costs of setting one up and maintaining can be off putting (we know some pharmacists who have paid out thousands for a website which they are not happy with). Well, as always, we have an answer.
Speedy solution...
We have upgraded our National Pharmacy Website Register (NPWR) to provide you with a 6-12 page website that will fulfil some of your clinical governance requirements as well as acting as part of your marketing strategy.
What you get is a personalised website which will provide...
Your opening times, available when you are closed, which satisfies a requirement under the contract.
The ability for your clients to order their repeat medication from the comfort of their own home, which means that the telephone is not constantly ringing with prescription orders. The elderly (the “Silver Surfers”) are becoming very comfortable with the internet.
A copy of your practice leaflet so your clients can see what services you provide.
A link to various sites dedicated to certain health conditions that can help towards your signposting requirements.
A link to the latest health news from reputable sources so your clients are confident the information they are reading is reliable.
A weekly updated health blog, to bring important matters to your clients’ attention, also giving them another reason to re-visit your website.
Easy to follow tips for your clients to save money when buying OTC medicines.
Discount vouchers to encourage foot fall through your pharmacy.
So how much will all this cost me…
It can be yours for just £361.64 +VAT plus £14.63 per month maintenance fee.
So what do I do to set one up...
To order just give us a call on 0151 653 5525/3115. If we are busy please leave a message and we will get back to you.
Go on then …