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Pharmacy First

“Would you like to make £15,565 this year doing the minimum for this new exciting service?”

It’s Lynda Chanin here again to tell you about our latest product - the Pharmacy First Folder. In case you haven’t heard this is a new service that the government has introduced to help patients access healthcare advice from you, their nearest healthcare professional, in a location that is convenient to them.

I am very excited about this because I believe this new service could make you up to £552,000 extra turnover each year, most of which will be profit. 

I have designed the folder to make it quick and easy for you to follow the service specification with added information and explanations of terms you might not be aware of, for each of the 7 clinical pathways conditions. It will of course be up to our usual first-class standard.

The folder contains:

  • Our renowned SOPs, which include one for the service and then one for each of the clinical pathways of the conditions which you can review as you consult with the patient.

  • The UTI and RTI Target leaflets so you can give health care advice for these conditions.

  • Mind maps of the Nice Guidelines for each condition. Mind maps are a simple way to put a lot of information on one page and our brains remember much better in pictures and colours, so they help us absorb the guidelines more thoroughly.

  • Information on drugs and dosages for each condition.

  • Details of how you can get paid

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Photo 16833646 © Mauricio Jordan De Souza Coelho |

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Photo 176934486 | Consultation © Agenturfotografin |

I encourage you to take up this service. You can register for it now and MUST do so before...

31st December 2023
to receive your £2,000 payment on 1st February 2024


31st January 2024
to receive your £2,000 payment on 1st March 2024

Going on past performance if you don’t join the scheme immediately you will miss out on this payment, as has happened in the past, e.g. the BP service.

The folder will cost £495+VAT+P&P. 

On top of this you get an extra 10% off if you pay by card or direct debit (15% if you are a member).

Any additional folders will be just £385+VAT+P&P

As always there is our 100% money back guarantee so if you don’t think it lives up to all we have promised, just return it to us and we will give you a full refund. All we ask is you tell us what was wrong so we can improve it for future clients.

So, if you want to be confident in providing this service just email or WhatsApp us and we’ll take it from there. If you want more information, give us a call on

0151 653 3115 / 5525

"Just seen the Pharmacy First folder. Brilliant. It sets out everything in a clear, logical way. A great help to get started with this new service."

Mr P Buckley - Peter Buckley Ltd

- 24/01/2024

"I've just finished working my way through the Pharmacy First folder. What a great source of information. I would highly recommend."

Mr P O'Neill - Wyn Ellis & Son Pharmacy

- 29/01/2024

This is the best thing for us. So much easier to understand and navigate. Thanks Informacist for your help over the years.

Mr M Haji - Belfairs Pharmacy

- 24/01/2024

”It is a very good resource and I'm very pleased with it. ”

Mr U B Patel - Leema Pharmacy

- 02/02/2024

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