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Facebook Page for Pharmacies

Informacist Pharmacy Facebook Page Setup
What is it that internet-wise pharmacies know that you don't yet?

"Can You Imagine What it Would be Like to Have Your Pharmacy Messages Go VIRAL on The Internet?"

Let us help you get a Facebook® page going for £66.55+vat and keep it going for £13.30+vat each month.

You have probably got the message by now that the only two things that create money in business are innovation and marketing. So what are you doing about them? We have mentioned on several occasions that emailing is a less expensive way to market but another one is using social media. You may think “what’s the point” but let me explain...

Setup fee £66.55+vat and weekly entries for £13.30+vat each month

3000 Messages a week...


In this day and age the number of advertising messages that the average person receives a week is about 3000. To break through that clutter you need to give something of added value to your clients


By having a Facebook® page you can spread any message through the whole community. Anyone who “friends” you on Facebook®  will automatically receive your updates on their wall. Hence all their friends will also see that message.


If that message gives them useful health advice, when it appears on their wall, they are more likely to pass it on to their friends and so it spreads. The average person on Facebook® has 3-400 friends.


50% of mobile internet traffic is for Facebook®. Word of mouth is on STEROIDS in the digital age and 34% of bloggers post opinions about products and brands. 90% of consumers trust peer recommendations while only 14% trust adverts.


What you get...


  • We have engaged the services of a Facebook® expert, who will set up your Facebook® page with your personalised information.

  • After the initial setup, he will maintain interest in your page by posting items of health interest each week, written by me.

  • You will be an editor as well so that our weekly posts can be interspersed with illustrated items personal to your shop, staff and clients. How about adding some competitions or staff awards. Special offers also go down well.

  • The more people you get to "like" your page, the more quickly your message will spread.  So invite all your staff, friends, family and clients to like your page.

  • If at a later stage you decide you want to keep up your page and do all the entries yourself, just ask us not charge you next month and the page is yours.


So, how much is this going to cost me?


  • The initial one off set-up fee is £66.55 +vat

  • Weekly posts from The Informacist will cost £13.30 +vat a month to be paid monthly and will be cancellable with one month’s notice.

  • If you pay upfront by Credit or Debit Card, you will receive 10% off (15% for Members)



Visit our Facebook® page (log onto Facebook® and search for and see what we mean. Like us and our posts will appear on your wall. Then you will see our tips as we add them.


So just say yes NOW to a Facebook® page which will promote your pharmacy highly cost effectively, and don't forget, if you feel that it has not been effective, just ask for a full refund but please tell us why because we want to make sure we are always providing the gold standard of what our clients want.


Go on then...

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